Fall 2025 Registration Information
Registration for 2025/2026 is open! Enroll Now!
Registration forms are on Brightwheel and can be accessed by logging into your account or following the link below. We advise creating an account for your child in Brightwheel prior to this, so you can immediately complete the registration form.
A registration fee of $75 is due at the time of registration. However, we do not accept payment until we have a spot for your child. If our spots are full, you will receive an email asking if you would like to be on the waitlist. As openings become available, we will fill them from the waitlist.
Sibling Registration Information
Log into your current student's account in Brightwheel, choose "Add a Child", and enter the sibling information yourself. If you would like to do that, please choose the homeroom "Sibling" or you may e-mail kwixted@bethlehemumc.com with your child's name and I will add him or her to Brightwheel in the Sibling Room. Please remember your younger child must be 12 months old by the time school begins in August, 2025, to be eligible for enrollment in our Ducklings Class.